
Remake Monday – West Side Story


Welcome to another installment of REMAKE MONDAY!!!!

I know it’s late Tuesday and for some it’s actually Wednesday, but due to the holiday weekend and the HUGE cast for this weeks film,

I hope you all can forgive the tardiness this week.

  This week’s film is the classic 1962 Best Picture winner…


OK same rules apply here as before.

The Casting is done with the original in mind.

And to that end especially with this film, I did NOT cast singers.

I casted actors.

Nobody from the original film sang a note in the film.

So, with all that in mind lets take a stroll though Manhattan in the early 60’s shall we?



Sam Palladio

 Sam Palladio

If you haven’t seen this kid on Nashville yet,

I suggest you go download it on demand and watch that series.

Sam here has got what it takes and more to be our Tony.


Selena Gomez


If you don’t know who this person is, you are not even reading this because

You are comfortable in the cave you are living in.

She has plenty of acting experience and the camera loves her.

She would make a wonderful Maria.


Zac Efron


I know he has been wanting to get away from musicals, but this isn’t just any musical.

I think he would jump at the chance to play this legendary role.

I also think he would do it justice as well.


Taylor Lautner

Twilight Eclipse Hits NYC

The right look and attitude to play the leader of the Sharks.

Now if I can only figure a way to get Bernardo’s shirt off…


Naya Rivera


Naya was the first person I cast  for this remake.

This is just a no-brainer for me.

She was Anita when I first seen her in Glee.

Ms. Rivera was born to play her part.

I think Rita Moreno would agree.

Baby John

Tom Felton


Tom certainly has the look and it’s about time he played a more sympathetic role.

I bet he would wish he had his wand when he gets chased by the Sharks…


Chace Crawford

 empire film awards arrivals 13 250312

This role doesn’t have too many lines but the role is really crucial to the story.

Chace would play the role of Ice effortlessly.

And I think he has a similar look to the original Ice, Tucker Smith.


Josh Hutcherson

 Josh Hutcherson

Mr. Hutcherson is our volatile but loyal Action.

He knows how to act and can show real raw emotion when called upon.

I always loved this character and I think Josh wouldn’t let me down.


Max Minghella

Max Minghella

Small part, again but very crucial.

Max has the talent and the look to play Chino

I didn’t need to look any further.

Pepe (Bernardo’s lieutenant)

Tyler Posey


 A great look and big presence is what’s needed for the strong silent second in command.

Tyler has proven that he can handle that.


Miley Cyrus


It’s not just the short haircut that sold me.

She has the right attitude to play a part like this.

I like Miley and I hope she gets some serious work.


Gene Hackman


 What can I say about this legend?

It’s a really small part but I would think he would like a small quality role than a big roll in a stinker.

Remember Superman IV or Welcome to Mooseport?

I bet he wishes he didn’t.

Lieutenant Schrank

G.W. Bailey


 He’s been playing a crusty detective for almost 20 years.

He is great in The Closer which is now called Major Crimes.

I can just hear him bustng the kids chops in the candy shop.

Officer Krupke

Michael Chiklis


Two lines.

That’s all he has, but he has a song named after him.

I think Mr. Chiklis has a great look and voice to play our Dear Officer Krupke.


Well that was fun!

Meet me here next week for a…

FOOD FIGHT!!!!!!!!


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Remake Monday – Rocky

  Well, better late than never!

Welcome to Remake Monday….on Tuesday.

This week’s film is the 1976 Academy Award winner for Best Picture…


This week’s film was very difficult for me which is why I couldn’t make my self-imposed deadline.

I  hope my ones of fans understand.

OK! So for those of you who are new, I take a favorite movie and recast it. I usually don’t remake a film that is fairly recent, 1985 is my usual measuring stick.

But there may be some exceptions down the line.

I try to keep the original actors in mind when I do this, but sometimes that is not easy.

This week is proof of that because well, there really is only one Sylvester Stallone.

Depending on how you feel about that is either a good thing or a bad thing.

I think I will have some objections to my choices this week, so


Give me your choices!

I would love to get a conversation going!

Alright so know that the undercard bouts are out of the way…

On to the MAIN EVENT!!!!!!

Rocky Balboa

Jeremy Jordan


I know a lot of you don’t know this guy, and that’s by design.

Stallone was an unknown and he was made a superstar overnight with this film.

Jeremy here is talented and has a really interesting look for our Italian Stallion.

After much second guessing and hemming and hawing I am all in with Mr. Jordan.

Adrian Pennino

Ellen Page


YO JUNO!!!!!!

I love this girl!

The perfect balance of funny, cute and ballsy.

I think she has the chops to play the sweet and achingly shy Adrian.

Ellen and Jeremy could really make sparks fly on screen.

That’s how I see it anyway.

Apollo Creed

Anthony Mackie

Anthony Makie -Creed

Anthony would make the perfect Master of Disaster.

He has shown the arrogance in 8 Mile and the physical prowess in more than a few films.

This guy just exudes Creed.

Mickey Goldmill

Martin Sheen


It took me longer than I thought to find Mick.

Who knew it would be one of my all-time favorite actors to fill the role!

Mr. Sheen has been playing the mentor role for years and has shown he can be quite crotchety when needed.

I take Mr. Sheen every time and don’t look back.


Paulie Pennino

Jonah Hill


I like Jonah for our lovable loser Paulie.

He usually does the goofball comedies,

but Moneyball has shown that he can do the more dramatic roles.

Paulie would be a bit out of his wheelhouse but I think he would be great.

Duke (Creed’s Trainer)

Don Cheadle


I looked at a few guys for Duke, but I really like Mr. Cheadle.

I think he would have really good chemistry with Anthony Mackie.

His resume speaks for itself.

Don parks this one in the cheap seats.

Tony Gazzo

Ray Liotta


Well I finally have an italian in this film being played by an italian!

Ray’s underworld tenure is beyond reproach.

He was my first choice and I didn’t bother going further.

George Jurgens

Kevin Pollak


A wise man once said there are no small roles only small actors.

Kevin has made a living on small roles and I haven’t seen him mess one up yet.

Kevin would be perfect as our smug fight promoter.

I can just hear him asking Rocky if he wants a shot at the title.

Well, that’s it for this week.

I’ll see you here next week and hopefully on time.

Next week:



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Remake Monday – Young Frankenstein

Well it’s time once again for REMAKE MONDAY!
Today we will be bringing to life the Mel Brooks classic…


For those of you who are new,

I try to make my casting choices with the previous actors as sort of guide.

I do like to shake things up once in a while.
Now that is out of the way…ON WE GO!

Dr. Frankenstein

Steve Carell

Carell, Steve

Steve has the timing, the acting chops
and some of the best facial and vocal technique in the business.
I think this part is tailor-made for him.


Rowan Atkinson


Well just look at him!
The voice, the look, and a comedy pedigree that is really quite impressive.
Mr. Atkinson has got this role down cold.

The Monster

 Jason Segel

jason segel

What this calls for is an actor who can play a lovable,
playful man who can at any moment rip your throat out.
I think Jason could pull that off quite nicely.


Kaley Cuoco


Funny? Check.

Sexy? CHECK!

Who wouldn’t want to roll in the hay with her?

She would make a great Inga.

Frau Blucher

Jane Lynch


This is so in Jane’s wheelhouse it’s almost too on-the-nose for her.
There are some times that my choices are almost too easy.
This is one of those times.
This is a no-brainer.


Tina Fey


She is this generation’s Madeline Kahn.
So who better to play this part than Tina?
She is funny, smart and just sexy enough.
That’s what’s needed and that’s what Tina has.

Inspector Kemp

Ty Burrell


Great comic timing and a great delivery.

He also has a great look for our good inspector.

It would be worth it just to see him ans Steve Carell play darts.

I can just hear him inviting everyone over for some sponge cake.

  Blind Man

  Bruce Willis

Bruce Willis

Mr. Willis would play off of Jason very well and he has some pretty
Good comedic credentials in his own right.
I think he would nail this little part.

Well I’m sure some of you will love that and some of you will burn me in effigy!
Please leave a comment! I want to read it all!
Be here next week for my biggest challenge so far.
Next week I go the distance with the 1976 best picture winner:


If you read my regular blog, you know how much this film means to me.

If not, GO READ IT!!!!!

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Remake Monday – The Wizard of Oz

 It’s time once again for REMAKE MONDAY!

This week we recast and redo the 1939 classic


Before cable and VCRs and DVDs, this movie used to be an event.

Everyone would gather around the TV to watch it because they knew it would be a whole year before it came on again.

I miss those days when movies seemed so special to people.

Anyway, for those of you who are new at playing our game,

My choices are somewhat based on the actors who came before.

I like to put a little bit of a fresh spin on things but I try to stay traditional with my casting.

Ok! Down the yellow brick road we go!


 Dorothy Gale

Lea Michele


I know she’s a little old for this part, but she has the pipes and the chops to play Dorothy.

I can’t think of a single person who would do a better job with this.

A little make-up and movie magic and she will be more than fine.


Justin Timberlake


I had Jim Carrey originally.

But Justin took this one at the eleventh hour.

With his dance moves, voice and acting ability he would make an awesome scarecrow.

Tin Man/Hickory

Hugh Jackman

'Hugh Jackman, Back On Broadway' Photo Call

With his acting chops and Broadway pedigree this is pretty much a slam-dunk.

I even think his voice is pretty spot on to the original Tin man.

I also think he would play of off the rest of the cast quite nicely.

Cowardly Lion/Zeke

Nathan Lane


Nathan is also a little old for this part, but

This is the role he was born to play!

Nobody can deny that the Cowardly Lion would roar back to life

 in his more than capable hands.

Also with all the make-up who could tell his age anyway?

There is always a stunt double and CGI for the more rigorous scenes.

The Wizard/Professor Marvel/Doorman/Cabbie/Guard

Tom Hanks


The Wizard is lovable, and wise with a pinch of mischievousness.

Tom Hanks has been pretty much doing this his whole career.

Go watch Polar Express if you disagree.

Wicked Witch of the West/Miss Almira Gulch

Helena Bonham Carter


Playing a wicked witch is already on her resume.

Perfect look and voice as far as I’m concerned.

I think she is just awesome.

Glinda The Good Witch of the South

Kristin Chenoweth.

The Cast of Wicked (Kristin Chenoweth)

Talk about experience.

She played this role to perfection on Broadway in Wicked.

She has the ability and the look down cold.

No-brainer here.

Aunt Em

Jamie Lee Curtis


This is depressing.

I was in love (or at least lust) with this woman in what seemed only a couple of years ago.

 And don’t get me wrong she still looks wonderful.

It’s ME who is getting old!

Jamie can play the strong motherly role with relative (pun intended) ease.

Uncle Henry

Jon Schneider

Actor John Schneider arrives at the Beve

The guy has like 5 lines in the whole thing.

Jon played a farmer a few times and needs a gig.

I always loved The Dukes of Hazzard and Smallville,

so bingo bango here is your Uncle Henry.

Well that’s it kids!

See you next week when we…..


With Mel Brooks’ Gothic comedy classic:


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Remake Monday – Jaws

  I was bound and determined to get this out on time this week,
So, here it is….
REMAKE MONDAY and it’s actually MONDAY!!!!!
(Crowd of three people cheer)

This week’s selection is the adventure/horror classic…


My choices are based on who fits the parts best based on who came before.
I am not looking to “re-imagine” this film or re-invent the wheel.
This movie did just fine and doesn’t need any help.
I would make it today with the actors I now have available to me.

OK! Let’s cast off!

Chief Martin Brody

Jon Hamm


He’s got that authoritative look that Roy Scheider had
And Jon has lots of acting experience as well.
He sold me on this role with what he did in The Town.
If you didn’t see that, please do so.

Matt Hooper

Chris Pine


Chris is the first actor that I actually have used twice now.
I’m sure it will happen again.
Check out my Ten Commandments remake to see who he is playing.
This guy can play the lead or a supporting role and can do both very well.
The women will tell you he is pretty easy on the eyes too.

Captain Quint

Jeff Bridges


This role gave me a little trouble.
It was no easy task replacing the awesome Robert Shaw.
He just nailed this part.
Mr. Bridges however, would really take Quint to a whole other level.
The jaded veteran with an “I don’t give a shit what you think” attitude toward everyone
This is a role Jeff has been doing for quite some time now.
He would just crush it as our Captain.

Ellen Brody

Julie Bowen


I think she is hilarious in Modern Family.
I also think a dramatic role would do her some good.
She knows how to play a wife and mom and
I think she would play well off of Jon Hamm’s Brody.

Mayor Larry Vaughn

 Bruce McGill

bruce mcgill
Whenever I see Bruce in anything I always say,
“Hey! It’s D-day!”
Animal House fans know what I mean.
Bruce has been in a bazillion films and
I’m sure you seen him in something.
He can play this part in his sleep.
I would not choose anyone else for this.
He was my first choice and
I still can’t think of anyone who would do it more justice.

Chrissie Watkins (The naked swimmer)

Miley Cyrus



Just for a little fun.
I would try to keep this one a secret until it came out
Kind of like what Drew Barrymore did for Scream.

I actually made a little fan trailer a while back…
Click below to check it out.

Well that’s it for this week.
Meet me back here next week when I will re-cast
The magical, the classic the wonderful…


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Remake Monday-Gone With The Wind

Well its Wednesday!

according to my watch it must be time for…


Sorry I’m late folks.

I’m sure all five or so of you have been patiently waiting…..

This week’s film is the Civil war epic…


This I’m sure would be a more popular remake if done a few years back.

But I’m sure there are enough film buffs out there to appreciate this.

Once again…I base my choices on who played the role in the original. Let me know what you think!


Rhett Butler

Leonardo DiCaprio


I originally wanted somebody else for this part, but after thinking about it for a while

I came to the realization my first choice (George Clooney) was just too old.

Leo will make a great Rhett Butler.

He has the acting chops and has a really great look for this type of role. He also has a little experience with romantic period pieces.

Scarlett O’Hara

Emma Stone


Strong-willed no-nonsense and somewhat spoiled.

Emma can pull all of this off and she has the talent to carry this film.

She is a multi-faceted actress and has the charm, looks and guts to play our Scarlett.

Ashley Wilkes

Ryan Gossling


Though Ryan has been playing the leading man for a while,

I think He could play the shlubby (is that a word?)

Mr. Wilkes with relative ease.


Chandra Wilson


She has been basically playing Mammy in scrubs for years now on Grey’s anatomy.

Anyone who seen the show can attest to this.

I can just see her yelling after Scarlett from the window of Tara.


Meagan Good


Meagan gets bestowed one of the more famous lines from the film.

“I don’t know nuthin’ ‘bout birthin’ no babies!!”

She is a good (pardon the pun) solid young actress and I think she would slam dunk this role.

Gerald O’Hara

Russell Crowe


Mr. Crowe makes his money on period pieces.

His credentials are self-evident and though this is a somewhat smallish role for him,

I think he would do the job nicely.

He also has lots of experience on horses.

Melanie Hamilton

Elisabeth Moss

Frederic Fekkai And Lisa Love Celebrate The 2011 CFDA Vogue Fashion Fund Finalists

This would be the role that catapults Elisabeth from “that girl from Mad Men”

To A-list superstar, and she has the acting chops to pull this off as well.

I also loved her in The West Wing.

Ellen O’Hara

Ashley Judd

ashey judd

This character doesn’t have a lot of screen time,

but her part is integral to the story.

A strong actress is needed to pull this off and Ashley Judd is just that.

Frank Kennedy

Mark Ruffalo


Mark was the first person that came to mind when I needed a Frank Kennedy.

He looks the part and can definitely play the reserved

and somewhat henpecked second husband of Scarlett.

Well another week has come and gone!

See me here next Monday (I PROMISE!) for next weeks film…

Daaa dum….DA DUM!!!



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Visiting The Home of an Old Friend

In 1975 my family moved to Boro Park, Brooklyn from Seagate. I was eight years old and was quite a shy chubby kid at the time.

My father got a job managing the local movie theater called the Beverly.

What was cool about that was, I got to see any movie I wanted for free.

I also got free popcorn and soda.

“ Don’t throw away your cup. They count the cups but not the soda, so I can refill your cup all day.”

How cool is that????

Unfortunately, there wasn’t a lot to choose from since there was only one movie playing at a time in those days, (oh, the HORROR!) and it didn’t change for a while if the movie was making money.

But there were a few movies I would go see and enjoy and maybe I would even see it more than once or twice. Who cares? IT’S FREE!

Then in late November of 1976 a small film came to the Beverly.

It didn’t have too much publicity, but the poster kind of grabbed me.

The movie was Rocky.


For the next two weeks I had seen the movie twice each day.

I never had a movie make me feel the way I did when I seen it.

I found myself fighting to stay in my seat by the end.  The eight-year-old inside me was saying, “But he didn’t win! That sucks!”

But I knew it wasn’t about winning. It was about doing what you set out to do and not letting anything get in your way of that.

By day three I was jogging home. Of course I had to stop a few times to catch my breath, (remember, I was a chubby kid)

Rocky Balboa became my first friend in my new neighborhood.

Of course by week two the word was out about how awesome this movie was and people were mobbing the theater to see it.

I felt special that I kind of knew about Rocky before most of the people in the neighborhood. I know it may sound weird, but through the years Rocky seemed almost like a part of the family to me and to a few of my family members as well. I also really enjoyed Rocky II and I still tear up when he lifts his newly won championship belt in the air and screams

“Yo, Adrian! I did it!”

The following films were entertaining as well.

Well not Rocky V That was dreck on a stick, but I can fill a whole blog smashing that alone.

Throughout my life Rocky Balboa has been there in way form or another. My friends and family knew how much the films meant to me and would always ask me why I never went to Philadelphia and see all the sites from the movie. The real reason is a simple one.

I was really friggin’ lazy.

Six years ago I met the love of my life.

My Adrian.

Her name is Jennifer and we will be married five years this month.

With our son and two of his friends in tow, we went to Philadelphia for the first time yesterday.

We went to Independence Hall and that was really special and the Liberty Bell was great as well.

We even tried some cheese steaks from the local restaurant.

We hit quite a few of the “tourist spots”.

But I knew where we had to go first.

The steps.

Everyone knows what I’m talking about I’m sure.

We drove to Philly from our home in Staten Island and it took about an hour and a half or so.

When we finally made that last turn and the Museum of Art was in full view, my eyes got really big and my breath was a little hard to catch.

Then we saw the statue.

I actually said and a low trembled voice.

“There he is.”


Jen was rubbing my arm and smiling at me.

The first time I climbed those steps I always thought I would run at them full speed and land at the top with both feet and dance and raise my hands in triumph just like Rocky did over thirty-seven years ago.

But I didn’t.

It meant more to me than just reliving a “movie moment”.

I walked up those steps arm-in-arm with Jennifer and watched and smiled as our boy and his friends ran and sang “Gonna Fly Now” until they reached the top and danced around a tackled each other…

When we reached the top my wife pointed out a small tile with Stallone’s sneaker print at the top.



I stood next to that tile and just looked out at that view for a while and just soaked it all in.

Despite it being very cold and windy I was really quite warm.

So many different memories came rushing to me while I was just looking out at that Philadelphia morning.

Most of them good, a few not so much, but I had an overwhelming feeling of gratefulness and relief.

I am Grateful for my family and the love and support we show for each other.


Also, I had not just one, but two “million-to-one-shot” outcomes in my life.

Meeting my wife in what I still think was the nick of time, and losing over 250 pounds.

Neither of which anybody gave me a shot in Hell of doing.

And with very good reason I might add.

“It took you long enough, asshole.”  I thought to myself.

Well better late than never.

Thanks Rock.


I did eventually run up those steps later in the day.

It wasn’t pretty and I almost broke my ass and I’m sure I looked every bit of my forty five years, but I made it…

Click below to check it out.


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Remake Monday: The Godfather

Hello all!

I trust everyone had a nice holiday.

It is time once again for REMAKE MONDAY!

In today’s installment we re-cast
Francis Ford Copalla’s mob opus…


The idea of this sort of thing is to get the juices flowing, so let me know what you think!

Give me your casting ideas as well. Some ideas for future movies are also welcome!

OK on with the cast…

Vito Corleone:

Robert DeNiro


This is just about a no-brainer for me.

He is the only man on the planet who actually played this role before.

This would be a great opportunity to see his take on the older version this character.

Michael Corleone:

Matthew Bomer


I wanted a relative unknown for Michael.

Mr. Bomer has his share of fans, but he isn’t a superstar just yet.

I think he has the look to pull this off.

I know he has a little bit of “pretty boy” to him, but take a look at Pacino in his 20’s.

He pretty much was one himself.

He isn’t Italian, but nobody’s perfect.

Sonny Corleone:

Ben Affleck


Ben has the look, the chops and the attitude to play the volatile Sonny.

Ben was actually the first character that came to mind for this movie.

And where Affleck is, most times this guy’s is not too far…

Tom Hagen:

Matt Damon


There are some great scenes between Tom and Sonny

And these guys would just crush it on screen.

I could actually hear Damon’s quiet cool as he talks to a screaming Jack Woltz…

He would make Duvall Proud.

Fredo Corleone:

James Franco

James Franco

Franco can do this in his sleep.

He really already done this role

Harry Osborn was a wimp with a temper and a daddy complex hmmmm…

Harry is Fredo with a glider and pumpkin bombs.



Kay Adams:

Michelle Williams


Michelle is talented and beautiful.

She can pull off the role Diane Keaton made famous with a similar look and acting style.

I also think Matt and Michelle would have a lot more chemistry than

Pacino and Keaton.

Connie Corleone:

Mila Kunis


It would be worth just to see the brother sister chemistry between her and Affleck.

She has a great look to her and she has real talent.

That is just what is needed to play our Connie.

Peter Clemenza:

James Gandolfini


This is a bit of a demotion for the former mob boss of New Jersey,

But I think he would be happy with this gig.

He could actually downplay this role yet still come off menacing and formidable.

And I defy you to find anyone who can match his look for Clemenza.

Salvatore Tessio:

John Travolta


It is time for Mr. Travolta’s 20-year career revival.

It has been a little while since John was in a heavy hitting film.

I think he would have a very unique take on Tessio and he deserves a real prestige project.

Emilio Barzini:

Frank Vincent


You can’t get better than Frank for Don Corleone’s rival.

He has mobster movie tenure.

I always loved this guy because he always reminded me of my dad.

So, a touch of nepotism of sorts is at play here.

Carlo Rizzi:

Mike Sorrentino


C’mon…wouldn’t you LOVE to see Affleck throw this mook a beatin’????

I think he’s got that perfect smarmy look to him.

As long as he doesn’t ham it up too much Mike will do just fine.


Moe Greene:

Jeremy Piven

Jeremy Piven Leaves ITV Studios

Arrogance and moxie.

That’s Moe green and Piven has buckets of both.

This one is pretty easy.

Luca Brasi:

Sylvester Stallone


He knows his way around a gun.

He appears slow-witted,

 But is quite cunning and formidable.

He is Italian.

Sly’s got this.

No problem.

Well that’s it for this week!

Meet me back here next Monday when I re-cast…


Continue reading

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Remake Monday: The Ten Commandments

In addition to my ramblings on life and the human condition, I decided to add a weekly feature. It will be called (drum roll) …


Every Monday I will choose a classic movie (or maybe just classic to me) and recast it as if it were being made today.

This week was a bit busy so I am dropping this on Wednesday.

In observance of Passover and Easter Week,

This week’s movie will be…

The Ten Commandments

I am sure I will get some flack over my choices since they aren’t historically accurate, but neither was the original.

I am casting this with the previous actors as a model.

So for all the PC police out there, just bite me…OK without any further ado…. here are my casting choices…






Chris Hemsworth


He already played a prince with a pain in the ass brother and a Dad who banished him.

He also looks great in a red cloak.

Replace the Hammer with a staff and bingo bango!

Rameses II:

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson


There aren’t too many men who can match Yul Brenner’s attitude and looks,

 But Rocky here has both.

All he needs is that prince’s lock on his head and he just exudes Rameses II.



Emily Blunt


Ms. Blunt is a perfect balance of sexy and sophisticated.

She also played a queen before so she has the royal experience.


Sir Ian McKellen


What else needs to be said?

He’s Ian freaking McKellen! Who else should play the royal patriarch of this little Egyptian dysfunctional family?


Chris Pine


My God just look at him!

And I’m sure the ladies can vouch that Chris is not too shabby without his shirt as well.

He would make a perfect Joshua.



Jack Black


Jack has proven he can drop the shtick long enough to play a few straight roles.

I think he has the perfect look to be our Dathan.

(Thanks bubby.)


Chris Cooper


I had somebody else chosen for this, but after seeing a picture of Mr. Cooper,

 I changed my mind.

He has a great look and would make an awesome master builder.




Sandra Bulloch


She has proven she can play a strong mother,

 And that is just what is needed.

Strength, beauty, dignity and dare I say a regal demeanor,

Sandra has it all in spades.


Freida Pinto


I think she has the perfect look to play the wife of Moses.

She also has great acting chops.



Bryce Dallas Howard


She played such a monster in The Help,

I wanted to give her a role where she could garner some sympathy.

Who better than Moses’ tortured (emotionally and physically) biological mom?


Emma Watson


Chris Pine and Hermione all growed up!

Talk about a couple of biblical proportions!!

Emma can play our little mud flower

and main squeeze of the hunky stone cutter with little or no effort.



Helen Mirren


A picture tells a thousand words….

Helen has been playing puckered old persimmons for years now.

Voice of God:

James Earl Jones

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After playing Darth Vader, playing God would be a cinch.

Well there you have it, my cast for a modern-day Ten Commandments.

Please comment and let me know what you think.

Send me your ideas on who you would cast.

Next week’s remake will be Francis Ford Coppala’s mobster masterpiece…



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